Tag Archives: ResearchBuzz

Scout – a Search Engine for Government Bills and Regulations

Tara Calishain, at ResearchBuzz.com, has written about a new search engine that can be used to identify government and related actions on your selected search topic.  (Thank you, Tara!)  The url is http://scout.sunlightfoundation.com.  The site states that one can use Scout to: 

  • Set up alerts and subscribe to receive updates from Congress, state legislatures and more via email or SMS text.
  • Search through every bill and regulation in the federal government.
  • Be notified when Congress plans to vote on a bill.
  • Follow and search bills in all 50 states; powered by the Open States project.
  • Import an RSS feed to complement issue alerts.

We tried it with the word “energy,” which resulted in current and timely information on bills in congress, speeches in congress, state bills and federal regulations.   Definitely worth a look!